


Capital City Ottawa
Continent North America
Currency  Canadian Dollar (CAD)
Currency values
  • 1 CAD= 55.17 INR (APPROX)
  • 1 INR = 0.018 CAD
  • I USD (DOLLAR) = 1.34 CAD
  • Live in a bilingual environment.
  • Benefit from a world-class education.
  • Gain work experience in Canada after you graduate.
  • Ride Canada's tech wave.
  • Enjoy an excellent quality of life.
  • Have an enriching cultural experience.
  • Discover the country's natural beauty.
Religions Roman Catholics (38.7%), Protestants (27%), denomination (6.1%), Anglican (5%), various Baptist sects (1.9%), no religious affiliation (23.9%), Islam (3.2%), Hindu (1.5%), Sikh(1.4)
Climate  summer temperatures can rise to 35°C and higher, while lows of -25°C are not uncommon in winter
Airport Toronto Pearson International Airport 
Travelling time
  • FROM BANGALORE - Via  New Delhi/ Germany/ Paris/ Abu Dhabi -20 Hours Approx
  • FROM MUMBAI -  Via  New Delhi/ Switzerland/ Germany/ New Jersey - 20 Hours Approx 
  • FROM KOLKATA –  Via  New Delhi/ Doha/Germany/ New Jersey - 20 Hours Approx
  • FROM DELHI  -  Switzerland/ Germany/ New Jersey -  22 Hours Approx
  • FROM CHENNAI - Via New Delhi/ Tokyo/ Germany - 20 Hours Approx
  • FROM COCHIN  -  Via New Delhi/ Abu Dhabi/ Germany -23 Hours Approx 
Neighbouring countries United States, Greenland, France...
Speaking languages English, French
Medium of instruction English
Cost of living Approx 250 dollars per month
Intakes September, January and April
Educational System The course credit system is similar to the one used in the United States.
Method of teaching United States method of teaching
  • World Health Organization (WHO)
  •  Medical Council of India (MCI)
  • United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)  
  • International Medical Education Directory (IMED).
Types of universities Public universities, State universities, Private Universities
Degree Awarded MD (equivalent to MBBS in India)
Duration of studies  
Canadian Embassy in India New Delhi
Indian Embassy in Canada Ottawa
Eligibility for MBBS 12th pass with 50% in Aggregate in PCB & English
Democracy System Canada is described as a "full democracy", with a tradition of liberalism, and an egalitarian, moderate political ideology. Canada is a parliamentary democracy: its system of government holds that the law is the supreme authority. Canada is also a constitutional monarchy, in that its executive authority is vested formally in the Queen through the Constitution.
Time Zone Canada is divided into six time zones
  • Newfoundland Daylight Time
    Newfoundland (GMT-2:30)
  • Newfoundland Daylight Time
    Newfoundland (GMT-2:30)
  • Central Daylight Time
    Winnipeg (GMT-5)
  • Central Standard Time
    Regina (GMT-6)
  • Mountain Daylight Time
    Edmonton (GMT-6)
  • Pacific Daylight Time
    Vancouver (GMT-7)

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  • Career Counselling
  • Comparison of each countries
  • University Selection
  • Processing Application
  • Admission process
  • Scholarships
  • Documentation
  • Forex assistance
  • Visa process
  • Bank loan facility
  • Pre departure briefing
  • Airport pick up
  • Local Guardian
  • Accommodation Arrangement
  • Post Arrival Assistance
  • Visa Extension

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