Reasons to study Medical Degree

Reasons to study Medical Degree | Galaxy Education

Last updated: 07 Oct 2021

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The MBBS degree gives the students a tag of “doctors” and is the most respected profession in the whole world. Doctors are the only source of help and resort for treating various diseases that the people suffer in their lives. The doctors are considered as the best individuals who can heal any type of diseases that are affecting the people on this planet and help them to lead a healthy life. The MBBS course comprises two professional degrees i.e., Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS). The MBBS degree is practised or studied to become a doctor in allopathic medicines or much commonly referred as English medicines. After the completion of the MBBS degree, the students can join to MD or MS degrees and choose their desired specialisations or else with MBBS they can join hospitals or start individual practice in clinics. The MBBS is the 5.5-years (4.5-years academic education +1-year internship) degree programme that can be done after the completion of PUC or 10+2 by the students. The eligible students should have to qualify NEET exam in order to get the MBBS seats. The MBBS degree allows the students to pursue a career in the doctor’s field. After the completion of the 4.5-years course, the students should mandatorily undergo 1-year internship in the field of surgery, medicines and hospitals to become eligible and certified doctors.

Reasons for studying medicine

There are several reasons why people choose to study medicine, ranging from personal calling to calculated financial gain. Whether it’s the first choice or the backup degree option, studying medicine is a long-term commitment and a decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly.

Let’s try to understand some of the reasons that makes studying medicine field special

One will have diverse medical career opportunities

Often overlooked, this reason is actually one of the most convincing ones. After graduation one can have a broad range of opportunities for the future job in the field of medicine. There are over 60 specialisations, such that one can choose according to his/her interests. One can choose to work in hospitals or health care facilities, research labs or be part of the medical department in other professional fields. There are medical graduates who manage healthcare costs in economic sectors or contribute to the legal work intended to verify medical errors and defend patients’ rights. Everything starts with choosing the right study path in the medicine field.

One can find medicine jobs anywhere in the world

All over the world, there is a great uniformity of medical knowledge and practice. This means that by graduating from a medical field one can find a job and work in any hospital anywhere in the world. There is a huge requirement for skilled doctors across the globe and as a doctor one can practice anywhere in the world. The demand is even more in underdeveloped countries where the healthcare institutions are ready to pay handsome salaries for doctors.

Alleviate people’s pain and suffering

The doctor has the power to make changes to one’s lives. We see patients getting desperate and depressed due to their health conditions. A great medic can use his/her empathy and medical skills to make a difference in them. It is very important to be honest with patients, but it's just as important to encourage and give them hope. Many doctors confess that the interactions with patients and family members touch them deeply and often change the way they see their profession or even life priorities. In those moments one can remember why he/she decided to work as a doctor and feel fulfilled. There is nothing better than seeing people joyful and healthy and knowing that as a doctor you have played a big role in restoring their health and relieving their pain. This is perhaps the strongest and most important reason why so many people choose to study medicine.

Doctors are in high demand

The world needs more doctors in today’s situation, many countries are lacking skilled doctors to treat people, this became even worse during the Covid 19 pandemic that stalled the whole world. Many surveys claim that nearly the demand will increase by 15% by 2025 for doctors across the globe. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has projected that by 2030, the low- and middle-income countries will have a deficit of 14.5 million for healthcare professionals and there is an urgent need to hire more and more healthcare professionals. The demand for doctors is also high in countries like the USA and UK and many European countries.

Careers in healthcare offer high salaries

Another pertinent reason to choose a career in medicine is the job suitability that one will enjoy after graduation. This reason is even more important in countries where the recession is still a problem and where young people struggle to find a job, the doctors never had a problem finding jobs in such conditions also. The salaries are even much higher in well-developed countries like the USA, UK and other European countries. 


The advancements in the health care sector has given rise to many new job roles in the medical sector. The medical field today is not only limited to doctors and nurses but still more. New job roles and new career opportunities are emerging in the field of medicine.  To join the medical field, it is not essential to do MBBS only but an MD or a super specialisation is also necessary. The dream of joining the medical field can also be fulfilled even by joining many allied health science courses. Every degree has its specific importance and every degree has its value. The top-performing students can find relevant and desired job profiles and land in lucrative careers according to their interests. The students with dedication and interest can always grow in careers that they have chosen.

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