Karnataka implements NEP in Engineering Colleges

Karnataka implements NEP in Engineering Colleges

Last Updated: 14-10-2021

Karnataka becomes the first state in India to launch NEP 2020 in Engineering colleges. 

The Chief Minister of Karnataka Mr. Basavaraj Bommai on 12th October 2021 - Tuesday implemented the National Education Policy (NEP-2020) in engineering colleges under “Destination Karnataka for Technical Education” Initiative

Under this initiative the Karnataka State has incorporated the recommendations of NEP-2020 policy in engineering courses and 4-years B.Sc courses in the colleges of Karnataka. The Chief minister stated that both curriculums of engineering and four-years BSc honours are on par with the latest recommendations of NEP 2020. Both the courses are also offered in local language Kannada as per the New Education Policy recommendations. 

In the event Karnataka’s Minister for Higher Education Dr C N Ashwath Narayan stated that “The curriculum of B.E and B.Sc honours (4-years) has been designed according to the standards of IITs and IISc keeping in mind the NEP 2020 guidelines.

The minister also stated that “Nearly 66 engineering colleges have been given approval to start B.Sc honours (4-years) course from the current academic year . To mark India completing 75 years of Independence, the government aims to start B.Sc honours in 75 colleges in coming months.

The minister also mentioned that in all the subjects the faculty-wise committees have been constituted to prepare the curriculum as per the NEP principles. For the current academic year, the curriculum for 1st year of degree courses and 1st year of post-graduation is being prepared and will be announced shortly.

The students interested to get more details about NEP 2020 can contact us at +91 9916505050/ 8088602346 or email us at galaxyeduworld@gmail.com for more details.

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