Karnataka government bans illegal tuition centres and home tuitions.

Karnataka government bans illegal tuition centres and home tuitions.

Last Updated: 25-10-2022

Inorder to control the illegal tuition centres and home tuitions, the Commissioner of Public Education Dr. R. Vishal recently instructed all BEOs and DDPIs in the State to stop the threat of illegal tutorials. The action was taken after the Commissioner had stated in a circular on 18th October that the President of Private Educational Institutions’ Federation, Bengaluru, had given a written complaint urging to stop the jeopardy of illegal tutorials.

The Commissioner has further stated that it is important for the tuition centres to register their centres under the Karnataka Education Act, 1983, as per the Government order dated on  May 5, 2003 and the Deputy Director has been appointed as the Registration Authority.

The Circular mentions the detailed instructions in the Karnataka Tutorial Institutions Registration and Regulations Rules, 2001 and as per the rules for the registration of tutorials teaching students from 1st standard to 6th standard and from 7th standard to 10th standard, the concerned District Deputy Director is the Registration Authority. 

Any tuition centre operating without proper registration would be termed as illegal and for this reason the Commissioner of Public Education has directed that such centres should be identified and their activities regulated.

Candidates interested to know more about the registrations of tuition centres can contact us on +91 9916505050/+91 8088602346. They can also email us at enquiry@galaxyeduworld.com or can also reach us as galaxyeduworld@gmail.com for more details.

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