Common Mistakes done by Students & Parents!

Galaxy Education

Common mistakes of Students & Parents!

It is a disturbing and nightmare-sort-of feeling that most parents get, thinking of their son’s / daughter’s college admission. Hundreds of fears lurk in their quivering hearts, as this may be the first time their grown up child is going out of the security & comfort of the home. They are likely to make a series of blunders in the chaos related to college admission.

Here is a list of the most common mistakes that parents and students do when searching for college admission:

  1. Depending only on web information.
  2. Capturing informations from Google listed irrevelant websites.
  3. Falling prey to false & misleading marketing.
  4. Approaching fake agents.
  5. Getting attracted to low packages and cheated.
  6. Zero or insufficient background research of the course and college.
  7. Ignorance of the placement/internship facilities provided by colleges.
  8. Not identifying the talents and niche of the student.
  9. Not knowing the best course the student is eligible for.
  10. Not knowing the best colleges with reasonable fee structure.
  11. Going after big brand-names without caring for the qualities of other good institutions.
  12. Getting misguided by the bogus advices of friends and relatives,especially by the newly relocated people working in fields other than education.
  13. Narrow search for courses & colleges, when a wide range is available.
  14. Being misguided by top college lists, published by unreliable sources.
  15. Missing deadlines of colleges.
  16. Not caring for etiquettes & manners.
  17. Ignoring the present ability of the student like proper dress code & personal hygiene.
  18. Ignoring the power of interview & good communication skills.
  19. Ignoring the social media activity of the student. What they post in facebook & twitter counts.
  20. Neglecting the safety & dignity of the student while choosing campus.
  21. Neglecting the probable impact of the campus on the mental & physical health of the student.
  22. Not exploring the scope & job prospects of the proposed course.
  23. Avoiding big brands fearing high cost; lots of scholarships are available to reduce the burden.
  24. Ignoring available financial assistance and loan facilities.
  25. Refusing to look beyond a few big brands that you are familiar with, there are lots of other potential colleges around.
  26. Not considering/verifying the credentials (like certifications & recognition) of the education consultancy offering the package.

How to Identify Fake Universities and colleges?

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