Why should one choose the Operation Theatre technology Course?

Operation Theatre technology Course Admission in Bangalore

Last updated: 13 Oct 2021

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What is Operation Theatre Technology?

The Operation Theatre Technology is the branch of allied health sciences where the students will be studying about the surgical equipment and machines that are available in the operation theatres of the hospitals. They are responsible to maintain and handle these costly machines during the surgeries. They are responsible for the proper maintenance of these machines as they are very expensive. The operation theatre technology students are responsible to set up these machines before the surgeries according to the requirements of the patients and under the direction of the certified surgeons performing the surgery.

The operation theatre technologists are responsible to carry out numerous duties that are related to the operation theatres. They are responsible for managing the patients and making them prepare for the surgeries. They are required to motivate the patients and help them to stay calm during the surgery. They will be connecting all the required machinery to the patients those who are undergoing the surgeries. They are also responsible to keep a note of readings obtained by the machinery throughout the surgery and inform the same to the surgeons. They are also necessary to adjust the machines according to the patient's requirements under the directions of the surgeon. This may lead to a disaster and there is a high risk of loss of the life of the patients due to the infections.

The B.Sc Operation Theatre Technology is a 3-years undergraduate course where the students are trained to handle the surgical instruments that are used in the surgery. They are also trained to properly disinfect the surgical apparatus soon after every surgery. If the surgical instruments are not properly sanitised or disinfected then it may cause complications for the next patient who is yet to undergo surgery. The operation theatre technology programme is specifically designed to meet the demand of the growing needs of experts in the fields of operation theatre management, medical ethics, anaesthesia technology and postoperative care. 

The B.Sc Operation Theatre Technology students are also responsible to help the specialist and surgeons in the middle of the surgery. They take care of medications, anaesthetic gases, curtains and sterilization during the surgery. They are also required to sanitise and disinfect various surgical equipment of surgery like Pacemakers (for heart surgery), Steel plates and rods (in case of orthopaedic surgery), intraocular lenses (in case of cataract surgery), needles, sutures and many other surgical equipments that are used by the surgeons during the surgery.

The Operation Theatre Technologists mainly assist the surgeons, specialists, anaesthesiologists and nurses. The primary undertaking of the operation theatre technologist is to help the doctors and surgeons, masterminding surgical instruments before surgery, cleaning the surgical instruments before and after the surgery, following the directions of the surgeons during the surgical procedures, crisis management of anaesthesia equipment in case of emergency. They are also responsible to take care and manage the smooth functioning of the intensive care units (ICUs) and critical care units (CCUs) in the hospitals. 

Reasons for choosing Operation theatre technology

The operation theatre technology field is one of the most diverse fields in the medical field. Every field of medical science will have surgeries where skilled professionals are required. The operation theatre technologists have the opportunity to get exposed to study all types of surgeries available in medical science. Many students lack the awareness about his unique course and never mind to join this course.

Let’s try to discuss why a student can choose to join B.Sc Operation Theatre technology course 

Demand is Skyrocketing

According to many surveys very few people join this course. This has created a huge-job opportunity for skilled professionals across all the hospitals worldwide. The hospitals are in need of a large number of skilled operation theatre technologists for carrying out surgeries. The lack of awareness has created this skill gap in the medical field that has resulted in lack of skilled hands. The skilled people are readily required in large numbers in India and even in many foreign countries.

Exciting Earning Potential

The operation theatre technologists earn good salaries. As there is a huge demand for skilled operation theatre technologists. The healthcare institutions are badly in need of professionals and are ready to pay good salary packages for right candidates. The right operation theatre technician will be paid excellent salary packages by the healthcare organisations. 

 Make a difference in lives everyday

When it comes to work of operation theatre technologists every medical case that is assigned to them is serious. The very nature of existence allows them to be called upon when a patient needs a major surgery. Whether it is an organ transplant, heart bypass or any type of cardiac surgery, the patient’s life is very important and it will be partially in the hands of operation theatre technologists. The operation theatre technologists are responsible to maintain high-levels of hygiene in the operation theatre for the safety of the patients. Ensuring the patient stays safe on the operation table and successfully pulls through all the way to recovery can be one of the most rewarding experiences of operation theatre technologists’ life.

As an operation theatre technologist, one is responsible not only to take care of the post-surgery patient but to also to take care of their loved ones as well. Establishing a connection between a vulnerable patient and their family and friends is almost as important as surgery itself. It is the duty of operation theatre technologists to act as a bridge between the surgeon, patient and patient’s loved ones.

Excellent Internship opportunities

Many of the operation theatre technology courses feature a clinical internship as compulsory in the curriculum. The hospitals that conduct surgeries offer excellent internship opportunities to the operation theatre technologists. Almost all the branches of medical science have surgery and the skilled professionals are readily offered with internships. This enables the students to grasp the surgical techniques involved in all the medical fields. They are hired in diverse fields of surgery and this helps them to become strong in their surgical skills.


The B.Sc operation theatre technology students are required in large numbers in recent years and it is predicted that the number increases in coming days. The increase in the number of surgeries each day, a demand for skilled operation theatre technology students has increased across the globe. The students who dreamt of doing surgeries by completing MBBS course but failed to achieve it can join B.Sc Operation Theatre technology to fulfill their dream as surgical technicians.

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