Difference Between MBA And PGDM Programme

Difference Between MBA And PGDM Programme

Difference Between MBA And PGDM Programme

Last updated: Nov 05, 2019



Difference Between MBA And PGDM Programme

Mention The Difference Between MBA And PGDM Programme

As a student, when you go for the post-graduation course, then the main questions that come to your mind is which is better among MBA and PGDM? To clear that doubt from your head, here are the specific things about both the courses.

PGDM or Post Graduate Diploma in Management and MBA of Masters in Business Administration are said to be both management courses at Master' s level. If you look at these two courses, you will see that both of these courses have got some of the best commercial orientation. When it comes to the difference between the two courses, then there is not much difference between the two. But to make it easy for choosing the course rightfully, here is the slight difference between them.

Difference Between PGDM And MBA

1. The Difference In Degree And Diploma

When it comes to the PGDM course, then the candidates have offered with Diploma course for you, and at the end of the MBA programmes, it is seen that candidates receive the degree. It is often seen that many students think that the diploma course is not as same as that of degree, but this is not true. There are top colleges in India who offers PGDM course to their students.

2. Difference In Syllabus

It is seen that in MBA courses, it is designed by the university, the core of the syllabus is said to be same in most of the MBA colleges under the same university, but in case of PGDM courses, it is seen that the design, of course, is designed by the individual institute. The course gets change as per industrial requirements each year.

3. Way Of Focus

In both MBA and PGDM courses, it is seen that they have common core subjects. When it comes to the MBA course, it is seen that the course mainly focuses on theoretical as well as on technical aspects of the management. But in PGDM courses, it goes under industrial orientation, and it primarily focuses on skills based on the market requirements.

4. The Difference In The Cost Factor

In MBA courses, it has got low tuition fees, but in the PGDM course, the tuition fees are very high. This is because the government approved universities who all offer MBA courses to the students. So, this university provides some best financial aid as well as grants from the environment as well. But in the case of the PGDM course, it is seen that students have to bear the cost of the entire course. 

5. Susceptible To Fraudulence

In PGDM courses, it is provided by the autonomous colleges so before going for this course, you need to for extensive research about the college. But when it comes to the MBA courses, it is seen that the university and top colleges offer this, so there is minimal chance of fraud cases in this field.

If you are planning to go for post graduation courses and can' t understand which one to take then see these differences and then you can consider going for the best course as per your interest.


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